Welcome to Destruction of Glitter

Content Life, Love, Sex, Self Image, Mothering, and any other Craziness That May Happen In A Day In The Life of Me!

Friday, April 29, 2011


i sit in darkness,
waiting for light,
memories flood my mind,
i feel numb,
my heart so cold,
slowly i go down,
memory lane,
my thoughts me,
consuming the soul,
emotions stirring up,
they fall,
they fall,
from my eyes,
I can’t go back,
to fix,
i stand,
continuing my,
more memory’s,
that will flood,
my memory lane,
other cold,

(Valle, M 9/1/2009)

The Drama of Life

With so many reality shows, drama series and movies I think we have lost the light to actual life. For instances:

The Real House Wives of Atlanta/New York/Orange County (Bravo)
Jersey Shores (MTV)
Mob Wives (VH1)
Toya & family (BET)
Tyler Perry Movies

All these shows capture the attention of the viewers with all the drama they contain. These characters are not portrayed the way they depicted themselves on the big screen in life. As the old saying goes think before you speak. Place all emotions, personal feeling aside when addressing others with issues that affect you. Keep in mind others feelings and beliefs. As we all know our first impression at times is our chance to make a lasting impression. It is a true statement to treat others as you desire to be treated. Taking the time to breathe, think before speaking will hoopefully help reduce drama later.

Antonia Carter & her daughter Reginae Carter age 12


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No Longer

these eyes no longer will shed tears
smiles I share no longer a mask for hurt
hiding a broken heart
due to my loving you
placing you first
I would be fibbing if I said
that I no longer missed
your eyes that sparkled with mirth
arms that held me tight some nights
lips which trailed kisses down to my shoulder
instantly melting my soul
I also would be fibbing if I said
that my happiness was least important then loving you
loving me more
is very important
slowly my heart has mended
my smile genuine
one day someone else
will melt my soul with a
till then
I will put me first
no longer allowing others to render
tears or rule my emotions

(Valle, M 4/26/11 for my muse...always giving me food for thought)

Natural Hair

Solange Knowles

I love my natural hair and I love being able to wear my fro. I think as I look in the mirror that I am rocking my fro hard. I just think I look good but again beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I am beholding myself and seeing a beautiful black woman. I came face to face last night with the fact that not all love my hair the same way that I do. In the words of India.Arie “I Am Not My Hair”. I am just me loud, fiercely loving, creative, intelligent and loyal. Does it make me less of these qualities if I don not wear my hair straightened by a chemical process to make it straight?

I was a bit amazed to think that would make me more attractive gain me love. I have went the route of straightening my fro which added length but I doubt added more love to the one beholding me. I am a big softie who is amazed that someone I love doesn’t find my hair beautiful in its natural state. Hair for women is a major part of personality and style. My hair to me reflects my comfort in myself and the beauty I see in myself.

Why should I conform myself to someone else idea of beauty. I will conform to myself in what I believe is beautiful and love what I see in the mirror. The heck with others expectations of me make them happy I want my happiness first and foremost. It has taken me along time to become comfortable in this skin so I will just enjoy my moments of you look beautiful.

Esperanza Spalding

Monday, April 25, 2011

Blood Glucose Levels and a Mothers Love

I have been silent on the blog spot in the past couple of days. I have been nursing my daughter who not only had a bug but it completely put her blood levels in whack. She is a Type One diabetic a chronic life time medical condition. I am very hopefully that in the up coming years new technologies will help how those with Type One maintain the amount of insulin needed to keep their body’s functioning properly.

Over the weekend I felt powerless to keep her healthy since her diagnosis. It reinforces the fact that something’s in life I don’t have control of. Someday she is going to be out in the world without me telling her what to do. What I can do is properly educate her and make sure that she takes care of her body know. Hopefully it sticks and she can grow up making sure that she takes very good care of her mind and body. As a parent I hate to see my child sick I prefer watching them running around tearing up my house.

Sometimes she seems mature for her age with the way that she handles her school work and looking after her little sister. I tend to forget to just spot check to see if she is taking the time to test her blood. I spot check everything else I will become the blood testing police to make sure she is staying on top of her health. I am going to find a nutritionist to make sure that all in my household understand the best foods to fuel the body, proportions and the best foods to ear.  I think if as a family we step up how we take care of are bodies it will help to keep her on track and everyone else in my household.

Children at times do appreciate all that we do for them. Proof this weekend I was told “thank you for cleaning up my room” I needed something to take my mind off of the madness in my household. Second she told me I take good care of her. OK, I did get all misty eyed…I love my girls more then anything in this world. They take front seat in my life and I will do whatever it takes to keep them healthy, happy, and safe. So yes all will hear no matter where we our “have you tested your blood and make sure you bolus.” Being a parent is the hardest job I have ever held and I am not sure if I will ever stop mothering my girls and all that I love. Call me mother hen because I have finally admitted it I am!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Princess Boy

My Princess Boy a book by Cheryl Kilodavis in regards to her five year old Dyson Kilodavis who enjoys dressing up as a girl. A beautiful little boy who look as if he would be more comfortable at play with my four year old daughter then playing football. Dyson’s mom Cheryl in the beginning tried to softly redirect him to play with more male toys, dress up and masculine play. Her acceptance of her son’s behavior was sparked by his older brother who wanted her to just let his younger brother be himself and be happy. The love and acceptance of his brother will help his self esteem as he grows older. Her family’s story is truly of love and acceptance I applaud all her efforts.

While watching the video it was amazing to me watching a male of color accept his son as he is. I know it must be a hard thing for him to accept watching your young son dress up in pink tutus and sparkling things. Afraid of how the world will see him and if he will ever be loved and accepted for who he is. Dyson is just a little boy who enjoys dressing up in what society considers feminine. It amazed me at this family who love there son enough to be comfortable with letting him express himself in a non conventional way. Watching them reinforced for me how much children need the love and acceptance of family. To help them grow happy, health and to love themselves even if it maybe a bit out of the box.

I am one of those people of the mind set that young people early own in life know themselves. Their likes, dislikes are very in tuned with themselves and how they would like to express themselves. I do believe at a young age children have an inclination of liking boys or girls, and if they feel more comfortable relating with a gender then another. Society, family, friends, television and religion try to mold us into what they believe is more acceptable and correct. As a parent wanting true happiness for our child should be what is more important then if society is uncomfortable.

Watching the smiles on my girl’s faces will lift a dark cloud on a bad day any time. I wish the Kilodavis family all the luck in parenting happy, health, and loving children which is what they our doing.  Sharing their story hopefully helps parents who might be going through the same situation and perhaps inspire others who our not to be more accepting of different.  Hopefully this book will help increasing understanding of children who not only step outside of the box but stand on it smiling proudly.


HLN, Dr. Drew (2011, April 19). Princess Boy. Retrieved April 20, 2011, from http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/living/2011/04/19/drew.princess.boy.hln?hpt=C2
My Princess Boy (2010). Retrieved April 20, 2011 from http://www.myprincessboy.com/index.asp

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Parent or Friend

I found an article on CNN.com by LZ Granderson in regards to the marketing of sexy cloths for young girls. The article is called Parents, don’t dress your girls like tramps the title is what caught my attention. Yes Abercrombie & Fitch seems to sell sex take a quick look at there store window while walking through the mall. I was not aware that they also had a line of cloths for little girls. We can not lay blame on the retail store responsibilities rest with the adults making the purchases. There our parents who are afraid of saying no to children boys or girls when it comes to cloths, toys and major purchases.

Being the adult in my household in the end it is my call on what will and not will be purchased It is my responsibility to give them the tools to help them grow up with self esteem in take, good self image, and a happy child who knows limits. They know what parents expect of them even if it is grudgingly we have their best interest at heart. I completely agree with LZ Granderson I am the parent not the friend in the end it is my responsibility to do what is best for my children.

The way I see it, my son can go to therapy later if my strict rules have scarred him. But I have peace knowing he'll be able to afford therapy as an adult because I didn't allow him to wear or do whatever he wanted as a kid. (Granderson,L,Z.)

I love this statement; I love it more that it is coming from a responsible father. I think I am a light weight discipliner who will not let certain things fly in my household. It should go beyond the cloths that our children wear but how the conduct themselves. As parents, and adults we should also conduct our selves in a manner of setting examples for our children.


Granderson, L, Z., (2011) http://www.cnn.com/. Parnets, don’t dress your girls like tramps

Friday, April 15, 2011

Luke of 2 Live Crew Mayor of Dade County Miami?

This I heard about a month or so ago thought it was a joke. No it is true he has filled out the paperwork to run as the mayor of Miami. His campaign will be based on the following issues economic development, public safety, community revitalization and affordable housing. His platform is what the poor of that city our looking for to help jump start the economy and hopefully pull them out of poverty. He understands the community because he is a native of Miami. Luke came to fame in the 90’s with his 2 Live Crew and he wants to see better from the community he comes from. This is another story I will be following not sure if people will actually vote him in as the mayor of Miami. Stranger things have happened in this country.

Trump for President? Republican Party

Uhm have I missed something in the past few months? That some Republicans our actually thinking that Donald “You’re fired!” Trump might be a good choice for President. In his interview with the Wall Street Journal he is claiming that he is serious about exploring the opportunity to represent the Republican Party in the 2012 elections. Why would he like to be President? “I hate what’s happening to the country,” said Mr. Trump in his interview with the Wall Street Journal. He wants to be the President badly enough that he is willing to run as and Independent Candidate if he doesn’t win the GOP Nomination.

The up coming months will be interesting going into 2012 Presidential elections. At this point I am not sure if the country actually would believe that a Donald Trump has the business skills to turn this country’s deficit and money woes around. This man has had major financial issues of his own during the years which included filing for Chapter 11. With gas prices effecting how we all our living and the job market creeping back up the candidate I vote for will have to give a plan to help getting Middle America back on track. My interest is improving education, health, gas prices and helping out the poor in this country.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stand Out Girls – Rocking on my Summer Play List

 Marsha Ambrosius

Spring is here and summer is around the corner hopefully fun fill nights. I enjoy blasting music as I get ready to head out. Usually I am running late in my rush of trying to look my best. The music that I use as my theme music helps to set the tone and mood of my night. Right know the three women I am digging our Melanie Fiona, Marsha Ambrosius and Jessie J. Loving these three because they just completely rock, stand out from the crowded, don’t land under that umbrella of R&B and love the sky high heels with matching vocals.

Melanie Fiona

After watching the amazing show that Melanie Fiona and Marsha Ambrosius gave when I saw them live. The interaction with fans, the command of the stage and just power house voices with story’s that women relate to. I just fell into Jessie J’s ads on the internet after her performance on 106 and Park. I looked her up checked out a few of her live performance on line along with her videos. She has maneuvered her way into my heart right next to Lady Gaga. What lays ahead of me for this summer, friends, cocktails, and dancing with my theme music coming from three lovely ladies Melanie, Marsha and Jessie.  I love music that empowers women, make us feel good, jump on the dance floor with our girls and yes can even make us shed a tear because we have been there with heartbreak. At this time these three does just that for me!
Jessie J
Melanie Fiona The Bridge new album MF Life out
Marsha Ambrosisus Late Nighs and Early Morning (in stores know)
Jessie J Who You Are (in stores know)

Music and Arts Chaning Children's Outlooks

I have now become an advocate of Music Education in Schools. To watch a group of about 45 students in 6th grade play after about 8 months of lessons and practice was amazing. Just watching the smiles on their faces from the experience was very gratifying. It takes time, patience, initiative and a bit of skill to play and instruments. Those children rocked and proved that they have what it takes to go far. They have that need to go above and behind where they our right now. All children deserve the opportunity to cultivate a talent and broaden how the look at the world. I enjoyed the performance along with the audience of family and friends – we must support our young. They our the future leaders of this country.
“A grounding in the arts will help our children to see; to bring a uniquely human perspective to science and technology. In short, it will help them as they grow smarter to also grow wiser. (Source: Robert E. Allen, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AT&T Corporation, in “America’s Culture Begins with Education”) Science and technology our growing fields which I think would be great for girls and minorities to become involve. We can all give our children a foot up on their futures by taking part in things that interest them along with honing in on talents that they have. It may also help us to step out of our own comfort zones and learn something new.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Braxton Family Values - Week 1

As promised last night I sat down to check out Braxton Family Values. I think I may have found a reality show that I enjoy! Why? It just reminds me of the craziness, special bond that I share with my siblings but especially with my sister. Yes we can fight like cats and dogs but in the end it is love and respect between us. In other words we our just family. Out of the sister’s the most normal of all of them is Toni Braxton I thought she was the Super Star. She does something I love to do very much play with my children and sleep. As a parent sometimes you just catch a nap when and where you can.

I am also very interested in finding out more about Towanda and her relationship with her husband which I am leaning more towards it is an open relationship. Per sister Towanda yes she has an open relationship with separate bedrooms. Her explanation is that they love there children who comes first. The given them a family unit full of love but she gets her perks outside of the house and her husband. I am completely fascinated by her situation next week enters the husband and we get to see there interactions over a meal. He seems to allude that he doesn’t get along with his mother and Towanda behaves like his mother. Uhm did he not see the similarities before a marriage proposal?

With that said I will be tuning in next Tuesday to follow the sisters Braxton’s on the road to life just like the rest of us in Braxton Family Values.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Braxton Family Values

OK, so everyone has a reality show these days and I personal have not found one I real enjoy. My life has its own dose of reality on the regular with a dash of comedy. Thought I am intrigued by Tony Braxton’s show I could claim it is because she is a mother of a child with a disablity combinded with her own health issues. Even to see how she stays so fit and sexy at 40 plus. No that woudl be a lie my reason is to find out more about her sister Towanda’s relationship with her husband. On the commercial she claims that her relationship with her husband as they our roommates. WOW I am thinking open marriage? I want to see how this relationship will play out on television.

In hard financial time I can understand why they might stay together then divorce the dollar is stronger when combined then separated. Towanda claims that she is not in love with her husband. Is it really possible to not love someone but live under the same roof with both parties’ surviving? Sister Tina is battling alcoholism and Even the mother is dealing with recovering from a cheating husband the sisters dad. I am thinking this may be more my speed of reality television. Tonight I will be firmly planted in front of my telly watching Braxton Family Values on We TV. We will she how I feel after watching tonight if I will be firmly planted next week

The Braxtons
(From left: Traci, Towanda, Toni, Tamar, Trina and mom Evelyn. All photos courtesy of Stephen Knight)

Create Yourself

“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”--George Bernard Shaw I love this quote and I am thankful to my sis for posting it and sharing. As we go through life we our constantly changing and creating who we want to be. Some of us know from the time that we our small what and who we our and will do whatever it is to be that person. I myself very slowly I am coming into who I am. Slowly creating myself and full enjoying every minute of it loving the idea of who I may end up being. Take the time and do a little something to recreate yourself it may take you further then you think!!

Monday, April 11, 2011


My attention captured
The fire within
Lured me to you
Surpassing the physical
Temptation connected us
Perhaps the way you carry yourself
Just the essence of you
Nearly perfection
Perfection for me
As the tip of your tongue
Slides over such lips
Wetness left behind      
Glistening on ooh those lips
Captured unable to set free
Dirty thoughts running through
My mind of
Things those lips
Would do leaving me
Drowning in emotions
Craving more
Floating on waves of
Ecstasy over and over again
Or was it your eyes
Reflecting my desire
A part of me
Needing that flame
A mere necessity
Looking harder
Within me you see
Strength, understanding, confliction
Maybe a little baggage
Reflected in my eyes
Still you
Delve deeper within my core
Warmth, love, desire
I love so fiercely
In the beginning I am
Honest as together
We meet in the
Middle of that
To the baseline on
A dance floor

Valle, M 4/9/11 (Revised 4/11/11)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wallking Through Middle School

Middle School I have very little memory’s of that point in my life. I have a general sense of friends, my first dance recital, my first dance, graduation and few highs and lows. The general knowledge of changes that my body went through besides that it is a distant memory. Walking the halls of my daughters Middle School and looking at the children is like WOW it seems the same. Some our still going through awkward stages in life, voice changes, acne, trying to find the best look to express individuality. It’s amazing that our children grow up so fast and maneuver through the land scape of socialization and making friends.

The first year of Middle School is nearly completed. I started off more nervous then my daughter. I am impressed with how well that she has done with keeping up with her grades, the personalities of at least 8-9 different teachers and making new friends. I can breathe a bit and hope that the next two years go as smoothly. More is involved besides getting an education these children our getting to better know themselves likes and dislikes.

Trust I see lots of bumps in the future but I am not as nervous with the knowledge of what to expect. Next week I will attend my daughter’s first musical concert as she plays the Euphonium to see if all that practicing and her sister yelling she is hurting my ears paid off. Middle School sounds so scare still but hopefully my household will survive it and move smoothly to High School when that day comes I might need to pause and take a breather. Until then I will enjoy it and continue to ask how was your day to get a feel for how she is doing.

Ode to my Parents

Ode to my Parents
11 long years together
That’s forever
I love them so much

They’ve kept me feed
They’ve kept me clean
They’ve kept me lean
They are my providers until age 18

My parents
Care for me
Sometimes fear for me
Ode to my Parents

Joi Imani

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Smart and Beautiful

I have my youngest repeating that she is smart and beautiful. After she told me last night that she is too small to be smart I tell her you are smart along with beautiful. I want to instill that no matter how young you are that you have something to offer the world. My little one offers me smiles, hugs, laughs, a child like view on the world, and just the opportunity to watch her grow. I can’t wait to see what she accomplishes next.

The learning process of a four year old in Pre K includes learning to write, reading, working with numbers, shapes, Spanish and Science. She seems to enjoy Pre K, her teachers, friends and loves to share all that she learns. I think she wants to be like my oldest so much and that at this time she can not do what she does. I keep telling her you will get there and she will – while she grows I will have both myself and girls repeating every morning and evening I am Smart and Beautiful.

Look in the mirror and repeat after me: I am Smart and Beautiful and have a whole lot to offer this world!

Mr. Cee’s Closet is Busting Open

OK, keeping my word I am following how this play’s out! Will he step out of the closet or shut it down completely. Up till know Mr. Cee has denyed what actually took place. That’s fine but it is hard to deny a police report which actually anyone can access and from what I have read it seems that what the news is reporting is what happened. What will be the next step of how he address the public either deny his sexuality or come out and be proud of who you are. If he chooses to deny his actions then hopefully next time he decides to sample a diffrent flavor it will not be in a public place.

Love and Hip Hop

OK, OK, I don’t do reality television! Until I saw what rapper Jim Jones girlfriend Chrissy look like. She is a beautiful average height, curvy, brown skin woman. Total not what I expected for this rappers girlfriend look like. The industry bombard us with visuals of extremely fair skin, Hispanic or women who our not of color at all. So yes I was floored by her and it peak my interest to sit and watch a bit of Love and Hip Hop on Vh1 which is described as a docu-soap series. OK who doesn’t love a soap trust this is not Dynasty. (Sidebar I think I just showed my age)

People that I am interested in on the show Jim Jones girlfriend and mother ooh boy is the mother interesting. Can we say mom it is time to let the apron strings go and let him be a grown man. Honestly I have no idea if I will continue watching the show but I am enthralled by the relationship of Chrissy and Jim Jones. They have kind of broken the image of what I thought a man in the Hip Hop industry is looking for. I forget that they are human and looking for love like the rest of us.

In a relationship love, acceptance, a partner who not only has your back and best interest at heart which is why Jim Jones explained Chrissy in his life. That is what we all looking for it takes more then that first spark of attraction to keep a relationship going. Accept the person for who they are we can not change adults it’s hard to change habits.  People have to be able to stand on there own mental, spiritual, and financial. When entering a relationship you have to be able to stand alone and as a partnership so that you can grow and better the partnership. We need a person to uplift us not drag us down because as we know we can do badly by our own self, yes we can. Yes we sure need to be in love and attracted to that person sexual because if we our not what is the point!

Will I watch more of Love and Hip Hop not sure I think my soap opera days our over. To much drama for me I can live without but if I happen to fall into accidentally like last night. I sure will sit and watch! I would love to see if Chrissy and Jim end up together as a nice family with Mama Jones in the mix. Know that is good drama ooh boy is it. At heart I am a romantic so I hope them luck.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sweet Mickey the Unexpected New Haitian President

Last night my sister broke the news to me that Micheal Martelly’s better know as Sweet Mickey is the new President of Haiti. I no longer follow Haitian music as I use to in my youth but Kompa will forever run in my veins and this maybe the reason I am willing to give Sweet Mickey a chance as leader. 67.6% of the Haitian population must also be ready for a chance because they voted him in. A Musician at heart he has no politic experience who is about to set on a journey to improve the lives of millions of people in the poorest country in the western hemisphere. I am wishing Micheal Martelly’s all the luck and hopefully he can surround himself with those ready to take Haiti to a better place.

Michel Martelly’s statement on how the $12 billion that was pledge to Haiti by the international community after the earthquakes to help the country. He feels that it should come in the “form of infrastructure and money, because Haitians don’t know how to manage money.” To me that is a powerful statement because Haitian is know for its corruption and misappropriation of funds. To have that money come in the form of improving, streets, home’s, schools and electricity. Proves that at this time he has the benefit of the people first who voted him into office and need improvement. My dad talks about the beauty of Haiti in his youth calling it the Pearl of the Islands. It was still a great place to visit when I was young and I hope to be able to take my girls to such a beautiful place someday.

Mr. Cee's Lewd Conduct

Are we still hung up on sexual stereotypes? The reason I even bring it up is the recent news of DJ Mr. Cee’s from Hot 97 arrest on Wednesday for acts of lewd conduct. The images of Mr. Cee and the supposed young man our all over the media. Would it even matter if he was gay? He is probable the same guy who was spinning music at the radio station.

Does he even need to state his sexuality is it anyone’s business who he sleeps with or not. It is not but he needs to be true to himself at ever his preference is. The stress of living a closeted life must take serious toll on a person. Hopefully in the end his career is not affected, his friendships and family life.

All those who are stepping up to defend him will hopefully be there if he does step out and states that he is a Gay Man. I think young men who maybe facing the same situation of coming out to those around them need all the positive images that they can get. Stepping out against the norm is not usually an easy step in life. The fact that life goes by extremely quickly being happy and enjoying should be a part of it.

Like those who have jumped on this bit of gossip I will watch to see how it plays out. At this time he has decide to deny what he has been arrested for. Time to clear my name NY .. Stand Up Brooklyn they shootin ( Haters ) this is my city you can't hurt me lets gooooooooo" Cee wrote via Twitter. "Never was i in a car with anyone when i was detained.. The facts will come out and show what is being reported is totally untrue" the damed DJ wrote.

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Parental Island Called Dictatorship

No from the mouth of a four year old is expected in their attempting of pushing there limits and my buttons. It still ruffles my feathers when she throws her little tantrum with her leading to explain why she doesn’t want to do it. I feel that I am constantly asking her why I need her to just do what I tell her. Very frustrating for both of us now let’s throw in for fun my eleven year old who love’s to debate why what I am saying makes no sense to her. Either I have forgotten how it is to be young or I have morphed into my mother not remembering how it feels to be young.

Hearing No twice in one morning has leaded me to proclaim again that mom is a dictator and our relationship has very limited Democratic subjects. Merriam-Webster’s definition of a dictator is one holding complete autocratic control. Do I real want to be a dictator of course not what I want on most days is a smooth flow of activities without either child saying no, a debate or a streaking four year old running through the house at bath time. Emotions can run extremely high with three females in the house including a female dog. All very high strung and want things to go their way. Yes life in my house can be very interesting, fun house excluding the clowns at times, and a complete mad house most days.

Until we our all again on the same page that my request need to be followed such things as cleaning bedrooms, bathrooms, completing HW, and bath time need to be followed. I will continue to dictate in what hopeful I feel is a calm voice. Hopefully one day they will see all that I have asked of them is out of love. Also I am so sorry for being a mouth child to my mother payback is killing me in the form of my girls.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Element of Suprise Trilogy Part II

Element of Supriser

Let’s stripe the names and titles, shall we? We are not friends’ maybe acquaintances. Don’t pretend to understand let alone care. Don’t say I’ve changed when you yourself have not stayed the same. Now, tell me that I am wrong?

You want me? Let me be open and honest. I am not emotional but warm hearted. I will break you down until you are stripped bare. Yes, you will cry, you will hurt and when all is done you will develop into a new being. I will not change but my dear you will. I am strong minded and will risk everything to prove my worth. Please make sure you comprehend me before you make the assumption you want to spend the rest of your days with me.

Don’t dare tell me blood is thicker than water. If a mother can give birth to a child than, disown them. Don’t make the mistake in telling me that family comes first and I am the only one slaving to the last name.

Those who oppose as friends, be wary
Partners who proclaim love stand guarded
Relatives who preach family listen closely
Live your days as there are no nights
Keep your family close and your enemies even closer
