Welcome to Destruction of Glitter

Content Life, Love, Sex, Self Image, Mothering, and any other Craziness That May Happen In A Day In The Life of Me!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Destruction of Glitter’s | “Spotlight” Saturday

Destruction of Glitter’s | “Spotlight” Saturday:

Artist/Band/Group: Kevin Rudolf
Record Label: YMCMB
Genre: R&B/Rock

Song: “Don’t Give Up”

Friday, October 26, 2012

"School to Prison"

If we ever wonder that it is an epidemic of the government looking to lock up young black youth behind bars. Take the time to read this article http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/25/federal-civil-rights-lawy_n_2018947.html from Huffington Post in regards to “School to Prison” why would you place a child in prison for violating the dress code. As parents, as community and as a nation its time we did our best to protect the youth from ending up behind bars that does nothing to get this nation back on track. Lets educate them so that the future can be one were this nation can compete on the world stage. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dimmed Rainbow

you left me at my
weakest point
abandoning me when the
pain arised at it’s
toughest point in
my life when
the rainbow began to dim
leaving me in the dark
and confused
breaking dish’s trashing all
remains of you
as you chase the pot
of gold at the end of rainbows
leaving me baffled
standing in the storm clouds
angry as death, pain and confusion
floating so near me
scaring my strong foundation
and hating love

MValle 10/22/12

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Letter From The First Lady

In the November issue of Elle Michelle Obama, pens a letter to the readers of the magazine. A few of her main points are as follows:

He’s fighting for equal pay for women.
He’ll fight for our right to make our own health-care decisions.
He’s putting affordable education within reach.
He understands why women’s economic success is important.
He believes everyone deserves a far shot. 

Voting is around the corner don’t forget to vote for the candidate that will best represent your needs.  

expiration date

What do I Aim
For when my
Time has been
Given an expiration date
Is it possible to
Even find love
When life may
Not be as
Long as expected
Perhaps I should
Plug quickly in
Without fear to
Enjoy each day
As an amazing
Gift ready
To bless my life
With amazing

MValle 10/22/12

Monday, October 22, 2012

Presidential Debate

Debate on Foreign Policy taking place at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida at 9:00 to 10:30.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Destruction of Glitter’s | “Spotlight” Saturday

Destruction of Glitter’s | “Spotlight” Saturday:

Artist/Band/Group: Jay Sean
Record Label: YMCMB
Genre: R&B/POP

Album: Worth It All
Song: “I’m All Yours” featuring Pitbull

Friday, October 19, 2012

Rihanna -Diamonds

OK so my sister fell in love with Rihanna first and I fell in line behind her. Even thought she loves her way more…so when Diamonds became one of her favorite songs well hey Riri could sing jingle bells and she would think that it was amazing. At first few listens I did not like it but hey Rihanna and her darn “Diamonds” made its way deep into my heart. For the simple line that is on repeat in my heart “I choose to be happy” and I have finally made that decision no matter what I have made that decision to be happy and enjoy my life daily. So I am hella excited to watch her perform “Diamonds” live at the most sexiest nights on television the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show on CBS Tuesday, December 4th at 10 PM central. Hopefully while that million dollar bra makes it way down the runway. Too bad she will not be sporting the $2.5 million Floral Fantasy Bra Gift Set designed by London Jewelers. That’s what I call shining bright! Rihanna's album "Unapologetic" will be on November 19th, 2012.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial Cancer is the quandary that I am looking to help conquer.I happen to be one of those people when faced with a problem I looked to find answers. My latest is to find as much information on Endometrial Cancer which has made its way into my life. The first thing that I have learned is to dig deep down for my strength weakness at this point is not an option. Per my daughter Joi after she gave me a hug “if you are emotional imagine how the person who is going through the issue is feeling!” She is right I am not the one diagnosed I am on the sideline so it is my job to be strong, cheer them on when needed, hold their hand, whip away tears and just listen when needed. I am the support system for my love one as they go through the toughest point in life so far.
What is Endometrial Cancer it is formed in the tissue lining of the uterus that begins in the cells that make and release mucus and other fluids. Scare fact the estimated new cases and deaths from endometrial cancer in the US in 2012 per the National Cancer Institute:

New Cases: 47,130 and Deaths: 8,010

Common Symptoms of Uterine Cancer is as follows:
Abnormal vaginal bleeding, spotting or discharge
Pain or difficulty when emptying the bladder
Pain during sex
Pain in the pelvic area

These are symptoms that should be brought to your doctor’s attention so that you can be properly diagnosed even if it is not uterine cancer it still needs to be treated properly. My journey started with such sites as http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types/endometrial.


fear of what lies beyond that dark corner
life is more fearful then old
tales to put fear in young children
on cold fall evenings while
ole Hollow Eve approaches
beyond that dark corner
lies my regrets
fear of never having said I love you
the fear of all of what may have been
the lack of acceptance
hurtful words thrown so easily
meant to hurt the heart
i fear that it maybe to late
to express my whole hearted love
for how you have touched my life
brightened it with laughs, adventures and love
why had I not said I love you
begged for forgiveness
apologized for all the hurt that
i may have caused the what ifs
what could have been no longer?
only what we have the present and future
if I have never said it out of
fear or straight fright of a broken heart
i say it at this time Thank you for entering
my life with love always Me
M Valle 10/17/12

Peach Ribbon

Peach ribbon stands for Uterine Cancer and Endometrial Cancer

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Beyond Breast Cancer

Beyond Breast Cancer I realize that Breast Cancer is a major killer of women.  Yes, other forms of cancer continue to sneak up on women to either kill them and or give them the fight of their lives.  Such as

Lung and Bronchus Cancer
Colon and Rectal Cancer
Uterine Cancer ** Which I have become familiar with due to the fact it has made its way into the circle of the Destruction of Glitters home.I will be doing my research to find out more on this form of cancer.
Non – Hodgkin Lymphoma

As women we always keep in our minds that a history of cancer makes us more vulnerable to it. Not true neither does age. Learn to listen to your body, keep your appointment with your primary and ob-gyn to keep yourself health.  I have taken a personal interest in Uterine Cancer and will keep the Glitter Family updated. Most import the early that Cancer is found the better you can fight it and win!

Enjoy Life

Here at Destruction we Scream it constantly to live life as if tomorrow is not Promised. It is not we just live like we will have tomorrow or the next day or even the up coming year. Until something comes at us faster then expected and we are left facing our immortality. Yes just as we our born death is the only thing that is promised to us. I am not saying not to make future plans and to live completely young and free but take the time to enjoy your day. Tell those that you love how much they mean to you don’t wait until it is too late or for unexpected news to come to you. Take the time to really enjoy your life many of us push amazing things that we would like to do back for the right time but that time may never ever come if life is cut down quickly. Take Destruction of Glitters advice live, enjoy something that you love or take a risk and do something that you have always been interested in. Just enjoy life, family, friends and live. 

Presidential Debate

Town Meeting format including foreign and domestic policy at 9:00 to 10:30. Taking place at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. The citizens will be able to ask both candidates questions.These participants will be undecided voters selected by the Gallup Organization.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Destruction of Glitter’s | “Spotlight” Saturday

Destruction of Glitter’s | “Spotlight” Saturday:

Artist/Band/Group: Slaughterhouse
Record Label: Shady Records
Genre: Rap/Underground

Album: Slaughterhouse
Song: “Hammer Dance”

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Love Sucks

love sucked me dry
a vampire of sorts
hold up during the day
seeking me out at night
for nourishment for love
i am your shoulder
sounding board
but do you love me
for me or is it
because I keep you
together slowly
i feel that you
are drying me out
sucking me dry
a vampire of sorts
never during the day
do you fear others?
seeing us in the light
of day as if nothing
good takes place
unless the sun sets

MValle 10/11/12

National Comig Out Day

I  did not realize that there was a National Coming Out Day but today is the day. So hey Boo bring it on out and feel confident in who you are! I know it is not an easier road to take but we here at Destruction love and support the LBGT community. If you need any futher informaion review this website http://www.hrc.org/resources/entry/national-coming-out-day

Monday, October 8, 2012

Wickedly You

Sorry, I have not kept up end of the bargain of a poem a day for my 31 days of Ole Hallows Eve. Life does get in the way at times, mine did. I am back and hopefully it enjoyed so leave a comment and let me know what you think. Feed my creativity!

Something wicked comes this way
Slowly creeping up
Making it’s to my heart
Which at one time
Was bright and full
Of hope, hope that
Love was true
Wickedly it comes this way
The truth making its
Way quickly towards
My heart the truth
That love never ever
Existed between us
Two just fibs
Shadows of happiness
Never the really thing
I never knew
Wickedly you are
My heart lays open
Grey and dark

MValle 10/8/12

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Destruction of Glitter’s | “Spotlight” Saturday:

Destruction of Glitter’s | “Spotlight” Saturday:

Artist/Band/Group: Nneka
Record Label: Independent
Genre: R&B

Album: Soul Is Heavy
Song: “God Knows Why” featuring Black Thought

Friday, October 5, 2012

Watching Over You

Watching over you
Beyond the end
Of my walk on your plane
Keeping you safe
Helping you to walk
Safely through your life
I have only wanted you
Happy at all times
I may have left you
Early physical but
I am with you always
Look deeply in your
Heart and I will always
Be with you
Watching over you
Especially at the
Times you need
Me the most

M Valle 10/5/12

Thursday, October 4, 2012


your presence has always
flowed about me
keeping me safe in dark place
at times from myself
so glad we made peace
after butting heads over
the cool winter
i never remember the arguments
just the friendship
that survived High School
they say life happens
it does because we never
know death seems unexpected
even though it comes
never expecting to lose
you at such a young age
we never think of death
taking someone we care for away
it did taking away your dreams
your future, laughs and smiles
your presence is still with me
i like to think that you
are my personal angel

MValle 10/4/12

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Winking Moon

clouds slowly pass
the moon
peaks out
slyly coyly
did she just winking
at me
the moon
looking so close
but really
she is so far
it calms me
on my
run up the
hill on such a
cool evening
running from what
my own thoughts
or the unknow that
fear of what I can
not control
the hear and know
today only
this moment is
what I have
under this winking

2012 Presidential Debate

The topic will be Domestic Policy at the University of Denver in Denver Colorado. You can watch on the following channels C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC. As well as the cable channels CNN, Fox News and MSNBC. It will also be streamed live.

Haitian Pride PRAJJE 1983

OK I felt such an amazing sense of pride when I came across PRAJJE 1983 fashion line.  A little blurb in the October issue of Elle. The designer is Prajje Jean – Baptiste an Haitian immigrant. I was completely blown away that an immigrant like myself followed his dreams of designing clothing! A dream I let fall by the wayside long ago but this young man has not. I hold him up to my daughter who is a future designer herself. His clothing is amazingly colorful, fun with a little twist of the Island. I can not wait to see what lays in his fashion future! Honestly I love a man not shared of fashion with that little touch of Flair and Prajje has it. Dapperness that my dad has who meticulous picks his cloths and how it is put together down to the color of his socks. Fashion is more about cloths, the price tag and the names but how it is put together to express you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Glimpse's of a Vortex

the vortex is
where my heart
lies in the
dark cesspool
called broken
a fleeting glimpse
of you
or is it
within my broken
heart and shattered dreams
i know that
it can not be
you walking
towards me on
this cool evening
at the edge
Of your peaceful place
were you have
laid for the
Ooh how I missed
your smile, laugh how you loved me
running my fingers on the cool
marbel I glimpse pieces
of you and the love
we shared
on this cool October eve

M Valle 10/2/12

Monday, October 1, 2012

Faithful Evening

Cool foggy fall nights
Like tonight
Remind me of that night
Returning from work
To an empty space of
Not a trace of you
Left within our four walls
Lying on the floor
Amiss bits of pieces of us
Tied in a blood red bow
My heart
The stacks of letters
Written to illustrate my love
Bleeding my feelings
Through my pen
Left behind like bits of shattered glass
On nights like tonight
Cool and I watch the foggy
Outside my window
Reminds me you are gone
Our love died on that faithful evening
Gone never to return
It’s gone fluttering out like beautiful
Fall leaves blown to parts
Parts so unknown

MValle 10/1/12

31 Days of All hallows Eve

I love, love Halloween I guess because it’s a very old celebration that date backs about 2,000 years. The origins of this celebration that date’s back to the ancient Celtic’s who celebrated a festival called Samhan. When that area around which is know Ireland, Northern France and what is the United Kingdom celebrated the New Year November 1. That marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter and time for harvesting. The Celtic’s believed that the night before the New Year October 31st that the lines between the world of the living and the dead were blurred. There celebration of Samhan was based on this belief that the ghost of the dead walked around that night.

It’s just a cool concept that many still believe that the ghost of the dead walk around causing mischief. I would not put it past one to take the one sock from my pair. It seems my socks always go missing. Or I may lay down an item and it ends up some where else. So could it be me who is not mindful of what I do or is there a spirit out there running a muck causing mischief. Just think Samhan, was incorporated into the Roman Church as All Saints Day which also takes the time to remember the dead with the celebration of All hallows Eve that end up being Halloween.  Were we hide behind mask are in attempt to mask ourselves from those mischievous ghost and sprits of the dead. Remember lots of holidays that are celebrated have roots in early Pagan celebrations.

With that being said I am going to attempt to do 31 days of Halloween stretching my creative pencils and see what maybe! Perhaps a few mischievous little ghosts may help. Hopefully you all will enjoy and leave a comment or too to feed my writing frenzy! 

Happy "Mix Tape" Monday!