Welcome to Destruction of Glitter

Content Life, Love, Sex, Self Image, Mothering, and any other Craziness That May Happen In A Day In The Life of Me!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Sideline Story to the Journey of Endometrial Cancer

2012 brought to my front door a disease called Endometrial Cancer a new journey to my sister and our family. My sister has made some sort of acceptance to her diagnose of Endometrial Cancer but ooh boy is it a journey. She has kept her humor, her love of family and life. It seems that since she has started the first step to surgery and chemo pills that there our just so much medication. I did not even realize that chemo pills where and option neither did I realize the amount of money that this would cost. It is very expensive to treat cancer and to stay health. Besides the cost, I don’t think I was ready f rte emotions that come along with diagnose. I love my sister with every fiber of my being and will do what ever she needs that includes biting my tongue and times to let allow her to vent all her emotions. Let me tell you when she start’s venting in her own words “She becomes a tractor trailer with no brakes and will take out everyone and anything I her path.”

The best thing to come out of this diagnose is that she has a renewed zest for life. She is up for anything and will attempt at least once. This Holiday we have just enjoyed each other’s company ad have done some amazing things. We took a drive up to Lazy 5 Town Ranch and she became a huge kid as she feed the animals and too some amazing pictures. She is show us all how to enjoy life and have fun! I can not wait to see what else this journey has in store for us! Endometrial Cancer will not beat us we will beat it with, class, laughter and lots of humor. Let's she what 2013 will bring us.

Bye 2013

As 2013 knocks on are doors many are making resolutions. I have decided that resolutions will not be on the top of my list this year. I am going with the flow, enjoying every day and attempting to do new things. I have also decide to set boundaries, filter what I think before I say it and sometimes just keep my opinion to myself and shut my mouth. Why!? Because I have walked in the others shoes and even if I have. The hard truth most people really don’t give darn what you think or your opinion. All are out to do them and enjoy there time on earth. Living my life to become a person and those around me will need to do the same. I don’t have all on the answers! I am still trying to decide who I am, what I am truly good and passionate about and where I want to go with the time I have been give. What I learned this year is that life changes quickly and I know I no longer want to live with the what if’s. I want memories for myself and others around me. Yes all not be good but darn it most of them will be full of fun and laughter.

Happy 2013, Wishing all Health, Happiness and find their Passion.
Enjoy Life!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Nicki Minaj

Happy Birthday to the Pink Princess of Barbie Land the one and only Nicki Minaj!! I would say that it’s wrong for a grown woman my age to love her but I do. Listening to her bubbly, animated characters just bring a smile to my face and make me what to just dance and have a good time. So enjoy your day Nicki and continue to bring us your brand of Pink creations.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Shattered Glitter

pieces of me
tiny pieces of me
scattered about
why attempt to
maneuver them into
place sticking them with adhesive
this time I have decided
to blow them through
that open window
behind me
gloating away like
glitter from a kids card
perhaps landing on
someone special
so that I can find
to start myself a new
fresh beautiful and kind
shattered I lay shine
but so very shattered
waiting to be recreated
as something other
then myself

MValle 12/6/12

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

21 Days to Christmas Blues

OK so it is 21 days to Christmas and my feelings is Hum Bog!!!! Yes I know crazy for a self-appointed Christmas freaking freaky elf. Christmas has been my favorite Holiday forever and as the years go by and I become older I just seem to become a Grinch. I look at my year and go what the hell have I accomplished and this year is just living. Not living as in I accomplished my goal of a new job, improved my income and have improved the world in some way. NO just living!!! Still working two jobs, still not happy with the job I am at and trying to hold on to my sanity while dealing with health issues in my family.
I am happy that we all are alive to see this year’s Christmas. I enjoyed spending Thanksgiving with my family and just enjoy family. I learned that no matter what family will prop you up and help you no matter what. True friends will give you support in your darkest hour or when you have hit rock bottom. I am looking for my inner Christmas elf so that I can make it through December and running into 2013 looking for improvement.
I cannot change others but I sure as heck can improve myself. Complaining, cursing the world and blaming everyone in your path get you to the same place that you are. Working on me and removing me from unhappy situations is all that I can do. So bring on the Holidays what I have accomplished in the two weeks since Thanksgiving is to buy the most important gifts on my list for two very important little people in my life. At this point what doesn’t get purchase will have to wait until 2013. What most important at this time is me trying to find a little seasonal happiness enjoying family and true friends.

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

Set your alarm for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show on CBS Tuesday, December 4th at 10 PM central. I can not wait to see this $2.5 million Floral Fantasy Bra Set and my girl Rihanna's performance...she is such a bad A$$!