Welcome to Destruction of Glitter

Content Life, Love, Sex, Self Image, Mothering, and any other Craziness That May Happen In A Day In The Life of Me!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Never Satisfied

“Never stay satisfied if in a routine means I am comfortable. If I am comfortable it means I am not challenging myself. This ultimately means I am settling and not growing!” This answer my sister gave me in regards to her career. I stopped to look at my life that has hit a rut in the past few months. Once I completed Grad School I have been afloat with little to no direction to my next step in life. At this time has been filled with trying to stay afloat of bills that come with raising children and building a family that I may have lost focus on personal goals. They are what keep us motivated to challenge ourselves in daily life, work, and even raising our children. I have let myself become comfortable its time to shake things up try new things while stepping out of my comfort area. I demand this of children so why should I not demand this of myself. A friend yesterday forward to me information about life and career coaches. I have made the decision to try this program out to help me with direction in the next step of my life and career.


yesterday as we laid
limbs intertwined
where you ended
and I began
unable to distinguish
today you looked
right through me
as if we
never laid
the beauty of what
we shared
know stained
as you move
on to the
leaving me to
examine the shards
of my heart

Valle, M 3/30/11
(Inspired by a conversation last night with my bestie)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thing Called Love

that thing called love
destroys the sanity
of my soul
     while dragging my heart
     with it to the depths
of misery
             turning me into a whirlwind
             of destruction  
             taking all the good
                         the last of my sweetness
 with it
                        As I stand here
surveying the destruction
that I caused to my heart
                        but me as I believed
                        in that stupid
thing we call love                     

                                                                                    Valle, M 3/23/11
Inspiration from a friends Facebook post
on 3/23/11 she should kow who she is.
Love you girl!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fireworks Trilogy Part III


to the one that holds my heart
I am sorry I have strayed away from you this long
A toast
lets us live like there is no tomorrow
I know that "together" does not mean "forever"
and yes
I am aware our love is not guaranteed
My actions
are thee only thing that is considered permanent
And to this I say
“Let us live to the fullest & leave the rest to bleed to death”
Life, I love you


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Kim Rosen

THE KEY TO SELF-EXPRESSION IS…Dismantling the walls between our inner experience and our outer expression. We often survive by presenting a false self to the rest of the world. But at some point we have to let that go because it becomes a prison.

From the April 2011 issue of O The OPRAH Magazine

The prison called our selves that we lock up our hurts, anger, doubts, and mistakes that can not be taken back. I take all of mine and shove them into a little black box and lock them up inside were they never see the light of day. Every once in a while life takes it toll on me and that little box starts to unravel and the world sees a side of me that is not perfect but very human and defiantly my inner experiences. My past has dictated my issues with trust, love, friends, and family tightening my inner circle. While I keep emotions locked tightly within and sharing very little.

Attempt to keep my outer expression as positive, nice - normal and happy as possible. My eclectic sides along with opinions that do not fit the norms of society slip out.  It is what I call self preservation so that I fit into what I see is life while keeping my heart and soul intact. In my attempt to fit into society’s so called norms more like fitting in and not sticking out in the corporate world. What I have realized the world needs individuality and true self expression. With maturity I have shed a lot of my walls and with my true self loud, colorful, brash, fun, and a nurturer. We can imprison ourselves while we protect ourselves afraid of sharing ourselves with the world. I am slowly learning to let the world just get to know me warts and all!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Trilogy by dE\/|0uz

To discover who you are, one must channel their inner self. Life brings constant change never adapt to your current surroundings. The element of surprise is not anticipating the attack. Live your days as there are no nights…

I. Folktale

II. The Element of Surprise

III. Fireworks


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


does Death creep up
slowly with it’s cap
blowing behind it
tap it’s next victim
lightly on the shoulder
look within the soul
without fight slowly
life is gone
does Death quickly
come upon an
unsuspected foe
snatching them
to unsuspected
place called demise
way the living left
to grieve while celebrating
in the life of the

Valle, M 3/16/11

Monday, March 14, 2011

I am

I am adventurous and fashionable
I wonder about famous fashion designers
I hear the music on the runway
I see the models walking
I want to be a fashion designer or model
I am adventurous and fashionable

I pretend to sky dive
I feel the wind beating my face
I touch the parachute
I worry about all the bad things that could could happen in my life instead of the good
I cry for the people in need
I am adventurous and fashionable

I understand the rules of fashion and modeling
I say that my dreams will come true
I try to do all the best things in life
I hope my mother will live forever 
I am adventurous and fashionable

Joi Imani March 2011


In the moment
 I can feel
   the lost of me
As all hope
  quickly dissipates
     my mission of          
Gone so quickly completely
  in this moment
   my need
 to know not the answers
  of life
    just simply my
Quickly before losing
    my purpose
In this moment

Valle, M

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The End

the end of a romance
Is never like a beginning
a simple break
unexpectedly like a pop
of a balloon
looking to the sky
spreading your wings
as you take flight
leaving me unexpectedly
to pick up pieces of a shattered heart
perhaps it’s not my heart
Honestly in truth
its more my pride
i proclaimed with my lips
my heart never truly felt
doubt lived closely in my heart
praying for my flight
as i look toward the sky
to find away through
yes the sweetness of
the beginning of a romance
in the end it
just is nothing
like the beginning

Valle, M 3/10/11

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Back from mass to begin the starts of Lent were penance, reflection and fasting prepares us for the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. The church uses the word redemption that means to redeem one self of sins and wrong doing. Which brings me to what do I want to redeem myself for it would be my short temper. I need to learn to breath and calm myself before opening my mouth. Which at times lead to words or actions that I regret and would be Ungodly? The Priest said something that stuck with me its only about sacrifice but about doing things that we do not like.

At first I was going to give up yelling and all caffeinated beverages. Giving up yelling should help me to refocus my energy to more positive actions. Think the problem through and be more clear head before acting. It is so easy to say but it is going to take a lot for me not to snap and yell when asking my oldest daughter to clean her room. Tell my youngest to stop whining because she can not get her way. I am giving up caffeine because I have been leaning on tea and soda to help calm me down. It is not a good idea to become addicted for my day to go smoothly.

I have decide yes all caffeine and chocolate I so love chocolate yum. That is gone for the next 45 days. Bring in my stash of chocolate into work. I will be working on my listening skills since I was told by an eleven year old that I do not do it well. That along with not yelling should improve me and make me closer to God. I would like to add some mediation in the morning to start my day I end my day on reflection and prayer. I hope to come out of these six weeks of redeeming myself as a better calmer person.


Retrieved Catholic Online, March 9, 2011, Ash Wednesday, http://www.catholic.org/clife/lent/ashwed.php

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Little Fist of Fury

My youngest daughter is a spit firer who amazes me daily. Yes she has a thirst for knowledge, loves running, playing and all things girlie. Until she reduced me to a flabbergasted mother when told that her sweet natured child hauled off and punched a little boy in the eye. I was speechless it is hard to do to render me with no words. I was not expecting this bit of information yes she has become a bit more talkative in class. In her teachers words “she has found her voice.” I have discussed this with her also but I it is like she gets into class and forgets the no talking when asked to quiet down.

When asked and prodded by my oldest on the reason for hitting the little boy her answer was that he was following her around and looking at her notebook. This would follow with her teacher’s explanation that the little boy is one that gets into a bit of trouble. Still as I told my child as she looked at me with her big brown eyes that it is not right to hit. She would not like for anyone to hit her so she doesn't have the right to hit anyone. The proper way to handle issues that she is having in classes is to raise her hand and let her teachers no what the issue is.

Her punishment is not television or dessert till Saturday. Once night time rituals completed and I have read her book I again tell her that she is going to leave this little boy alone. Her response is “well he won’t leave me alone.” I tell her she is not allowed to take it into her own little fist of fury. The fact that she wants to be like her big sister may be the saving grace in raising my little Laila Ali. Something advice our better received coming from a sibling then a parent.   

 Laila Ali

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mentoring A Child

OK, I  final feel like I have accomplished something by starting my process of becoming Big Sister.  I am hoping to touch the life of a young girl for the better. Perhaps getting them to step out the box and try some new activities, foods, and ideas. I am tired of complaining about the behavior of young people while doing nothing about it. Change does not come with individuals sitting on the sidelines. It takes place with individuals getting out and putting in the effort to make really change. The fact is we need men to mentor our young boys our need for many mentoring organizations. The Big Brothers organization is always looking for male mentors. Its time we step up and help to pave a positive path for young people. Below our two websites that can help you find volunteer and mentoring opportunities.

Big Brothers Big Sister ww.bbbs.org, wwwlkaleidoscope-kids.org,